التسويف: فهم وتفعيل الرسالة الكامنة



In this thought-provoking excerpt, Nassim Nicholas Taleb addresses the issue of procrastination from a non-traditional perspective. Taleb argues that procrastination is a message from our natural willpower expressing a decline in motivation. But what is the true meaning of this message and how can we deal with it?


Main Concept of Procrastination:

Taleb suggests that procrastination is not just a tendency to avoid accomplishment, but an internal signal reflecting a deep interaction between the individual and their environment or profession. When a person finds themselves procrastinating, it signifies a lack of alignment between their current actions and what they desire to do or what naturally suits them.


Treatment of Procrastination:

According to Taleb, the remedy for procrastination lies in reevaluating the context in which the individual exists. If the current environment or profession does not meet their aspirations and does not align with their desires, it may be wise to consider changing this environment or profession. The goal is to find a profession or environment that makes them feel comfortable and to avoid the ongoing psychological wars with themselves to achieve their goals.


Unique Perspective on Procrastination:

However, the most intriguing statement in the excerpt is the one that discusses how few can understand the logical conclusion that procrastination can be beneficial. Here, Taleb opens up a new horizon for understanding procrastination as part of a natural decision-making process based on risk. In a world full of choices and numerous branches, procrastination can be a form of natural waiting for more data or for reassessing the available options.


Embracing Procrastination:

Therefore, procrastination in some cases may indicate that the current choice is not optimal, and that there is a need for deeper analysis or other alternatives that may be more in line with the individual’s desires and natural incentives. In such cases, procrastination is not an enemy to be fought but is a part of a complex system that helps us make the best possible decisions based on the context in which we find ourselves.


Utilizing Procrastination:

So, instead of battling procrastination and trying to suppress it, perhaps we should rethink how to use it as a natural tool to enhance the decisions and choices we make in our daily lives. We can pause for a moment and ask ourselves: Is there something in our environment or profession that makes us want to delay tasks? And if so, what changes can we make to achieve greater harmony and deeper satisfaction?


Finding Harmony:

In conclusion, it may require courage to take tangible steps to change what does not suit us, but a deep understanding of our inner motives and how to use them to our advantage can be a valuable guide towards a more harmonious and satisfying life.

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